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AyushEHR is the technology solution to the gap between providing the right care and updated information on the person’s medical history. Though common in Western treatments, Indian healthcare practices like Yoga, Naturopathy, and Ayurveda often lack proper tools to manage information on patients that are required to plan and provide the right treatment.

Why AyushEHR?

Medical practitioners in Ayurveda, yoga and Naturopathy require the right information on a patient or guest along with its credibility. They need to make informed decisions to deliver optimized healthcare solutions and formulate treatment agendas. That is exactly the reason they require access to as much information about the patient or guest as possible. And AyushEHR is all about making this information accessibility seamless.

With the cloud-based standards compliant portal, AyushEHR offers you the following solutions to help you deliver an enhanced healthcare experience:

  • Foster personalized healthcare meeting the distinct needs of patients
  • Orient staff and give them tailored training
  • Compile patients’ medical data from remote
  • Predict conflicts and have corrective measures in hand
  • Analyze data and pave way for improved treatments
  • Experience an economical way to manage individual medical data of thousands of patients
  • Collect feedback and analyze it
  • Recommend healthy lifestyle to patients and monitor their compliance
  • Ensure extended and location-independent care through self-recorded health data
  • Foster frequent follow ups and track health progress

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EHR.Network is the centralized portal that is built exclusively to store diverse sets of clinical data. It is engineered to adapt and grow to the evolving healthcare use cases and is technically capable of processing and sharing this data. The centralized portal covers data on patients’ family history, past diagnosis, vaccination, allergies, tobacco and alcohol use, medications, vitals, demographics, reports and more. 

Why EHR.Network

EHR.Network is an ideal health information platform for anybody looking to build healthcare applications. It is built to Indian and International EHR standards and can manage any health data that your application works with.

The first of it’s kind Cloud based standards compliant platform, EHR.Network offers the following advantages to a healthcare application developer.

  • Cloud based and ready to use – No initial development of infrastructure cost
  • REST APis
  • Continuously enhanced with additional functionalities
  • Standards compliant ensuring that your applications always meets the evolving regulatory requirements
  • Integrated SNOMED CT service for coding data
  • Capable of managing any healthcare data set using the OpenEHR clinical models

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